

Our slogan is L’oasis de goût (the oasis of taste) and this says exactly what we want to be. Since 2012 Desert Joy is committed to sustainable production of tasteful tomatoes and contributing to the development of the region. In this sense we try to be an oasis where people find joy and a fruitful working environment whilst growing our tomatoes. We aim to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.


No Poverty

Desert Joy helps poor families by providing them with stable jobs and insurance. Today, Desert Joy provides more than 900 people with Fair-trade certified jobs.


No hunger

In many ways Desert Joy contributes to SDG 2. In the first place by producing food. Besides we provide free lunches for all staff and by providing jobs we enable people to buy healthy food.


Good health and well being

Desert Joy is committed to creating good health and wellbeing by a strong focus on safety and reducing accidents. We have strict health and safety policies and provide medical and mental aid for employees if needed.


Gender equality

Gender equality is very important for us. Everyone should feel welcome and safe in our company. To assure this we provide training and establish a gender committee.


Decent work and economic growth

Through our business we contribute to economic growth in the region through providing good jobs and salaries. Good working conditions are very important for us hence we are the first Fair-trade certified tomato grower in the world. We provide free transport, medical care, training and day care for children.


Responsibile consumption and production

We believe that we can only succeed if we work responsibly for nature and people. This starts by producing sustainably. Most importantly water and energy use. Without water we won’t be able to grow our tomatoes. In our region water is increasingly scarce. In order to mitigate these effects we take measures to optimize the efficiency of our water by reusing drainage water use and we work on alternative water sources such as the use of treated waste water. The reason to start production in Tunisia was for the use of the good climate for tomatoes. Because of this we use relatively little energy still we optimize the use of renewable and solar Energy.

We use biological fertilizers and pesticides (only when is strictly necessary) and recycle almost all of our waste.

Quality is a top priority